Scenes from the drawing board – Things To Do With Dad

Now that Things To Do With Dad is finished here’s a snippet from an earlier stage in the process, showing the preliminary sketches and a few of the story notes. There are a lot more of these during the build-up towards the finished book as the story is refined and reworked.


Sketches from the beach

Here are a few sketches of people on the beach at Robin Hood’s Bay, where I’ve been staying. The weather across the week was changeable so the beach-goers ranged from sunbathers to determined British holidaymakers braving elements with ice-cream stubbornly in hand. The couple in deckchairs had even come equipped with umbrellas, which came out a couple of times. I really enjoyed sketching from life, trying to capture people before they moved on. There’s nothing like it for getting you to take notice of you surroundings.

Beach pics 1 Beach pics 5 Beach pics 4 Beach pics 2 Beach pics 3 Beach pics 6

The Railway Museum again

I had a great meet-up last week with my local SCBWI group at the railway museum. It’s always fun to hear what other writers and illustrators are up to and see some of their latest projects. As well as a catch-up we also found time for a look round the museum itself. The place is full of interesting little mechanical bits and pieces. Instead of drawing trains I drew bits of trains and turned them into robots.

lamplighter signalman cranky oddbod

It’s Publication Day for ‘The Pet and the Pendulum’!

It’s publication day for the final installment in ‘The Misadventures of Edgar and Allan Poe’ by Gordon McAlpine, with illustrations by me.

It’s been hard to believe it’s been over three years since the series first began taking shape, but with a dastardly trap, the truth about ghosts, a dinner to die for and the usual assortment of cats rats and suspicious strangers, ‘The Pet and the Pendulum’ is a fitting – not to mention explosive – finale to the series.

Not only that, but as my first illustration project it will always hold a special – slightly ghoulish – place in my heart.

Here’s a sneaky peak at the jacket design… click to enlarge.

Pet and Pendulum

And, just for the excuse to share it again, a video of me drawing the Poe twins. I’m going to miss those guys!