New Website

I’ve completely overhauled my blog and website with a nice new dash of digital paint, brightening them up and generally making them more inviting and accessible. Head on over to to take a look.

There are some brand new pictures in the black and white gallery, including the steampunky one below. Thanks to Nic Zuppardi for the helping hand in getting everything up and running!


Sketches from the beach

Here are a few sketches of people on the beach at Robin Hood’s Bay, where I’ve been staying. The weather across the week was changeable so the beach-goers ranged from sunbathers to determined British holidaymakers braving elements with ice-cream stubbornly in hand. The couple in deckchairs had even come equipped with umbrellas, which came out a couple of times. I really enjoyed sketching from life, trying to capture people before they moved on. There’s nothing like it for getting you to take notice of you surroundings.

Beach pics 1 Beach pics 5 Beach pics 4 Beach pics 2 Beach pics 3 Beach pics 6

Bear and Butterfly

Another trip to the theatre this week, this time to Theatre Hullabaloo, a company that makes, tours and promotes theatre productions for young audiences.

Their latest production, Bear and Butterfly, combines puppetry, live music and beautiful storytelling to tell a charming tale about love, loss and friendship.

It opened last week and tours until Christmas Eve, be sure to catch it. Here’s the poster I designed for them.

Bear and Butterfly